One of the best ways to rejuvenate and heal after birth is to take advantage of acupuncture for postpartum care. Acupuncture is a safe, natural and holistic approach to healing that has been used for centuries to treat all stages of family health, including pregnancy, birth prep and postpartum care.
These top 5 supplements are a natural way to help protect and bolster lung health during wildfire season. These herbs and supplements counter oxidative stress, nourish and clear the lungs and support our natural stress response.
Traditional Chinese Medicine has expanded its reach to become more Integrative as a means to work and communicate with western medicine. Integrative medicine views health and wellness through a holistic lens. Ask your acupuncturist how they can support you in your Integrative Medicine journey.
Natural health recommendations on how to use food to foster strong health and immune system. Learn about what food groups your could be incorporating to maximize your health potential.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and western herbalism have been turning to herbs and plant medicine for thousands of years to treat disease and pandemics. Here we discuss how Traditional Chinese Medicine views disease and how it could possibly help you in times of disease outbreak.