Dresden Holden L.Ac. - acupuncture info

 Dresden holden wellness, best acupuncturist in santa barbara, fertility acupuncture, pain management, anxiety relief, hormone health, cupping, moxa, women's health, postpartum support, home visits, trigger point therapy, motor point acupuncture, sports injury, surgery recovery, pregnancy, IVF, IUI, fertility Specializing in:

Acupuncture uses the map of meridians and points to stimulate the central nervous system and invigorate the body’s natural healing process. Acupuncture and bodywork have been found to stimulate the release of endorphins to promote ease, decrease inflammation and invite physical and emotional wellbeing. 

Resulting from a range of studies is Dresden's unique treatment style that often weaves acupuncture with Reiki, cupping and bodywork. This creates a genuine and intentional space for deep rest and opens the door for profound healing. 

Dresden enjoys working with one patient per hour to provide attention to detail and care for the environment created in the treatment room. 

It's important to her to be fluid in technique (incorporating different styles of acupuncture and bodywork) in order to best serve each patient's unique needs.

Adjunct modalities such as cupping, massage, motor point / trigger point therapy, moxibustion, Red LED light therapy, infrared heat, and  herbal medicine can be recommended during a treatment to facilitate healing.


appointment info

Initial acupuncture appointment:
  • 75 minutes | includes a review of your health history, recent lab/bloodwork/imaging and includes your first treatment | $225
Follow-up acupuncture appointment:
  •  50 minutes | check-in and acupuncture treatment | $165

Concentrated acupuncture appointment:

  •  30 minutes | acupuncture treatment | $100
  • Concentrated acupuncture treatments are to provide regular acupuncture treatment to those on a regular treatment plan. (examples include musculoskeletal pain, fertility, maternity acupuncture, or women's health. Where weekly sessions are recommended or preferred)

Additional details about treatments and pricing can be found here. 


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